Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Festivities

Fall is in full gear! We love the cooler temps and changing leaves.

Jacqueline had a blast at homecoming then upgraded her boyfriend from a "band nerd" to a football jock! She also has been getting a dose of the retail world with a job at Linen's and Things. I know I haven't been around all that long, but dang, they grow up fast!!

Grandpa Don and Grandma Sharon from California came out for a visit to meet Miss Tatum. We had a great time exploring Dallas with lunch at Marie Gabrielle in Uptown and a drive by of the JFK memorial, then a fabulous dinner in the Shops of Legacy. The next day we ventured to Fort Worth for the Jazz Festival where Dad attempted some rope tricks and then a true Texas treat, Uncle Julio's for some Tex Mex...which impressed even the most discerning pallets of our CA family.

Laura and Doug also celebrated their birthdays with the traditional joint party and yummy ice cream cake from Henry's. The cousins played a little monoply and Tatum wore her special tennis outfit for Laura as she was preparing to go to Nationals.

That's it in Gibbs land for now....

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