Thursday, August 28, 2008

Summer Fun

I suppose summer officially came to a close this week as Jacqueline headed back to school. Now, if we could just get the temperatures to realize summer is over, all would be good!

A few highlights from our summer include another birthday bash, this one was with Michelle, Nikki, and I celebrating our annual "29th" birthday. We had our traditional pool party at my mom's house with a shrimp boil, roast, corn on the cob, and much too big pieces of yummy cake. Tatum and Ethan enjoyed "swimming" in the pool and then took some very long afternoon naps so the mommys could visit. Check out all the pics in the "SUMMER FUN" album!

I also,FINALLY, graduated. The ceremony was held at American Airlines Center and most of the bacholor degree celebrants showed their respect by walking out after their moment on stage...oops! Classes will actually wrap up on September 24th then I will officially be a college graduate! Better late then never!

Jacqueline wrapped up the summer with 400 hundred other guests at her aunt Susan's wedding. She was able to participate in all the pre-wedding, hair, manicures, pedicures and catered lunches. Check her out!!